War in Ukraine: Kiev shows cautious optimism in talks with Russia

The Ukrainian government is beginning to discern progress in its negotiations with Moscow to end the invasion of Ukraine, according to presidential adviser Ihor Zhovkva quoted by the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN.
The talks became more constructive after two days of video discussions.
In the first rounds, Russia was not ready to listen to our positions, but only formulated ultimatums: that Ukraine must surrender, lay down arms, that our president should sign a surrender act, explained Shovkva. Now Russia has adopted a different tone.

The adviser therefore suggests that the Ukrainian delegation is cautiously optimistic but that a breakthrough could only be achieved by the presidents, Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin.
Ukraine demands an end to the war and the withdrawal of Russian troops.

Moscow demands that Ukraine recognize the annexed Crimea as well as the separatist areas in eastern Ukraine as independent states.

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